Association of Art & Science Rome, ITALY
CERVELLO Le attività del cervello (coscienza, memoria) e le sue disfunzioni (demenza senile e disordini cerebrali) |
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BRAIN The different activities of the brain are examined. Normal function (memory, consciousness) and its dysfunction (dementia and other disorders) |
Humanity and the human Brain. Dr Ashraf Virmani Oct 2001
Stati alterati di coscienza - Emergenza di coscienza, creatività e idee: é una questione di mente e materia
Altered states of consciousness Emergence of Consciousness, Creativity and Ideas: A question of Mind and Matter. 1st AAS Conference, Rome Dr Ashraf Virmani
Emotion -Why did this property emerge and its relation to memory and attentional behaviour; and how can it evolve further. 1st AAS Conference, Rome Dr Antonio Caprioli
Consciousness (how it arises from brain function, what is a thought etc) Dr Ashraf Virmani
Memory (how we store information, use this information) Jan 99 Dott Antonio Caprioli
Un viaggio nel cervello alla ricerca della memoria Oct 2000 Dott Antonio Caprioli
Stroke reduce the risk factors July 2000 Dr Ashraf Virmani
Special series of articles on stress (articoli sul stress)