Stroke reduce the risk factors

 Dr Ashraf Virmani  July 2000

Stoke is the third leading cause of death, but even more are left with neurological deficits. Both death and brain damage due to the stroke can now be limited with prompt and immediate clinical intervention. 

What is stroke? A stroke occurs if there is a vascular problem cutting off blood supply to the brain. The lack of blood and therefore glucose and oxygen can cause damage or delayed death to the affected brain tissue, mainly the neuronal cells. 

 The risk factors for stroke are:

  1. Hypertension

  2. Diabetes

  3. Clotsand factors favoring hemorrhage e.g. head injuries, 

  4. Smoking

  5. Potential new risk factors such as diet, lack of exercise and others as yet unknown.

There are other factors also such as selective genetic vulnerability to stroke. certain ethnic groups e.g. African American has higher rate by upto 80%. 

What are the warning signs of stroke? Headache, dizziness

Importance of immediate intervention. There is a window of therapeutic opportunity whereby prompt intervention can prevent brain damage and therefore retain cognitive and neurological function. The restoration of vascular supply by anti-clotting agents and use of anti-inflammatory and calcium blockers can prevent further neuronal damage in the penumbra zone of the brain tissue which has suffered an insult but has a chance to recover since it is not yet irreversibly damaged. There is great deal of research going on to determine various other neuroprotective agents e.g. NMDA receptor antagonist like MK801.

Stroke like episodes (SLE)


Risk factor modification is a powerful tool in stroke prevention and can lead to a marked decrease in the burden of stroke.


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Virmani MA et al.. Protective actions of L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine on the neurotoxicity evoked by mitochondrial uncoupling or inhibitors. Pharm Res. 32, 383-389. 1995 Stroke prevention by diet, excercise and lifestyle.

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