Ashraf Virmani PhD
Abstract :
Understanding ourselves: Brain processes from the quantistic point of
Understanding ourselves and our relationship to the universe has always
been the primary goal of mankind. This is a continous effortc that we
can see reflected in the art and science of our ancestors. From the cave
paintings to the astronomically inspired structures like Stonehenge,
MahanjoDaro and the pyramids to our more formal spiritual and religious
beliefs of today. How far have we come in the last 100,000 years? The
major evolution in thought has been in our understanding of the nature
of mater and of the universe, the very fundamental building blocks of
all that exists. Quantum physics has shown that mater and energy are one
and it is the equilibrium between them and space/time that determines
everything in the universe. Further, everything in the universe is
interlinked and interdependent, all the way to the processes life
itself. In particular the processes underlying the functioning of the
mind and the properties like conciousness and memory that arise from the
the functions of this incredible organ. I shall discuss these brain
processes from the quantistic point of view.
Dr Ashraf Virmani