Association of Art & Science




In the Public square of the little of town of Ariccia stands the Martorelli Inn which is famous above all for its paintings on the walls which were painted between 1770 and the 1771 by the Polish painter Taddeusz Kuntze and used to be the most important stop of the Great Tour d' Italie.


These paintings are of great interest for the history of Ariccia and also the surrounding countryside in as much as they illustrate the origins and the past mythology of the country, the myth of Ippolito, and that of Diana Aricina and the fight between the Latins and the Romans. In the 1820 the mansion was transformed by Antonio Martorelli into an inn which was frequented until at about 1880 by poets, writers and painters.


In a room on the third floor the artists had filled it up the walls with caricatures and fantastic designs, which were subsequently covered over by common wallpapers but which were recently found again.

This building therefore assumes, a particular importance which is remarkable for this region called the Castelli Romani or 'Castles of Rome'. It is a legacy to the memory of great artists who passed through this country, during periods of study and holiday and that they disseminated, through their works, the images of the Castelli Romani all over Europe. They included Corot, Turner, Ibsen, Longfellow, Gogol, H.C. Andersen, Stankiewicz, A Mickiewicz, Costa and many others. The Martorelli Inn has been acquired by the Commune (municipality) of Ariccia in 1998 and is now used for exhibitions and shows of contemporary art.



Following a long period of neglect that has rendered the job of restoration that much difficult... but which, beyond allowing the indispensable work of restoration has allowed for the return to its original ancient splendour the mural paintings and the other works left in trust by the Polish painter Taddeusz Kuntze, thus they have revealed again the precious artistic testimonies that were believed by now to be lost for ever.


Under four layers of paint, the restorers have found decorations and paintings - Numa Pompilio and the Egeria Nymphia. It was thus possible to recover the decorations of the originals by Kuntze. Further, the plasterwork and building structure was also fixed.  Other decorations have been brought back to the light from the restoration of the doors and the fixings, which were hidden in the time by various layers of paint. The restoration also allowed for the recovery and preservation of the famous paintings that were degraded from the lack of maintenance and the severe cracks provoked by seismic activity and the tremors caused by heavy traffic on the Via Appia nearby.  

 IL MESSAGERO  Enrico Valentini




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